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Implemented Activities

Mini-game Booths

The booth was located on the platform outside the Yasumoto International Academic Park. We provided resources such as basketball and football at our booth to allow anyone interested to play sports for leisure. This is mainly for the reason to attract participants to join our bowling event, and complete the first round of questionnaire as a pre-test to the current trend of the individuals' sports frequency, social support and social engagement derived from their sports activities.


The main event of our project is located in Wham Po, Thunderbowl. We believe that using psychological concepts of social support and social engagement would enhance the frequency of an individual's sports activities. Therefore, we also interacted with the participants while playing bowling to cultivate a setting that provides social engagement and social support. After the activity, we then asked the participants to fill in the final round of questionnaires as a post-test comparison as collection of results. 

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